The Physical Literary Environment
When I think back to the various literacy environments as I grew up, I feel like most of the environments that I remember or enjoyed were in my elementary years. They were places to sit while you read and they were fun spaces. As I progressed through school, I feel that there was less and less effort by the teachers to enjoy reading which I the began to loose interest. One of my favorite classroom settings is actually my son's first grade teacher he had last year, I will call he Mrs. N. When you entered Mrs. N's room, she had amazing flexible seating arrangements. When it was time to read, kids could sit on rocking chairs, sit on this top bunk like platform(you had to earn it), or on special days she would turn out all the lights and the kids would have flash lights and they would sit under their desks, wrapped in blankets. My son struggled in reading but after this class and how she incorporated different ways to read, he is excelling a year later. If you make situations fun, ...